Deputy Governor Aino Bunge will visit London.
10.00 – 11.00, she will discuss the economic situation and current monetary policy at JP Morgan. The event will be open to the media. Journalists wishing to participate on site or via live stream can contact
Aino Bunge will be available on site for comments to the media after the event. For more information, please contact Press Officer Charlotta Edler,, mobile: +46 76 725 66 24.
14.00 – 15.00, she will discuss developments in the payments market at SEB’s Northern Thoughts Day. The event will not be open to the media.
The events are in local time.
A summary of her discussion at both events will be published on the Riksbank’s website at 11.00 (CET).
Venue: JPMorgan City office: 60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP
Organiser: JP Morgan, SEB