Auktionsresultat 2021-04-28
Auction | Auction results |
Auction date | 2021-04-28 |
Settlement date | 2021-04-30 |
Credit rating class | 1 |
Term | 3m |
Fixed purchase rate, % | 0.3 |
Total bid amount, SEK mln | 0 |
Accepted volume, SEK mln | 0 |
Percentage alloted, % | 0 |
Number of bids | 0 |
Auction | Auction results |
Auction date | 2021-04-28 |
Settlement date | 2021-04-30 |
Credit rating class | 1 |
Term | 6m |
Fixed purchase rate, % | 0.4 |
Total bid amount, SEK mln | 0 |
Accepted volume, SEK mln | 0 |
Percentage alloted, % | 0 |
Number of bids | 0 |
Auction | Auction results |
Auction date | 2021-04-28 |
Settlement date | 2021-04-30 |
Credit rating class | 2 |
Term | 3m |
Fixed purchase rate, % | 0.6 |
Total bid amount, SEK mln | 100 |
Accepted volume, SEK mln | 100 |
Percentage alloted, % | 100 |
Number of bids | 1 |
Auction | Auction results |
Auction date | 2021-04-28 |
Settlement date | 2021-04-30 |
Credit rating class | 2 |
Term | 6m |
Fixed purchase rate, % | 0.7 |
Total bid amount, SEK mln | 0 |
Accepted volume, SEK mln | 0 |
Percentage alloted, % | 0 |
Number of bids | 0 |
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Uppdaterad 2021-04-28
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