Resultat auktioner 2022-06-15
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2022-06-15 |
Isin | SE0013882727 |
Coupon, spread | 1.174 |
Maturity | 2023-05-30 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 30 +/- 30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | - |
Volume bought, SEK mln | - |
Number of bids | - |
Number of accepted bids | - |
Average yield, DM | - |
Lowest accepted yield, DM | - |
Highest yield, DM | - |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | - |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2022-06-15 |
Isin | SE0013882735 |
Coupon, spread | 1.137 |
Maturity | 2024-05-30 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 30 +/- 30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | - |
Volume bought, SEK mln | - |
Number of bids | - |
Number of accepted bids | - |
Average yield, DM | - |
Lowest accepted yield, DM | - |
Highest yield, DM | - |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | - |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2022-06-15 |
Isin | SE0012676591 |
Coupon, spread | 1.217 |
Maturity | 2023-02-06 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 30 +/- 30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 30 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 0 |
Number of bids | 1 |
Number of accepted bids | 0 |
Average yield, DM | - |
Lowest accepted yield, DM | - |
Highest yield, DM | - |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | - |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2022-06-15 |
Isin | SE0011869825 |
Coupon, spread | 2.081 |
Maturity | 2024-06-05 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 30 +/- 30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 190 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 30 |
Number of bids | 7 |
Number of accepted bids | 1 |
Average yield, DM | 285 |
Lowest accepted yield, DM | 285 |
Highest yield, DM | 285 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 100.00 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2022-06-15 |
Name | SSAB AB |
Isin | XS2353270239 |
Coupon, spread | 2.504 |
Maturity | 2026-06-16 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 30 +/- 30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 169 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 40 |
Number of bids | 8 |
Number of accepted bids | 2 |
Average yield, DM | 145 |
Lowest accepted yield, DM | 145 |
Highest yield, DM | 145 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 100.00 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2022-06-15 |
Name | SSAB AB |
Isin | XS2017330221 |
Coupon, spread | 2.763 |
Maturity | 2024-06-26 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 30 +/- 30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 39 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 30 |
Number of bids | 2 |
Number of accepted bids | 1 |
Average yield, DM | 106 |
Lowest accepted yield, DM | 106 |
Highest yield, DM | 106 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 100.00 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2022-06-15 |
Isin | SE0013104676 |
Coupon, spread | 1.449 |
Maturity | 2026-09-01 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 30 +/- 30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 70 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 30 |
Number of bids | 3 |
Number of accepted bids | 3 |
Average yield, DM | 296 |
Lowest accepted yield, DM | 296 |
Highest yield, DM | 296 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 42.86 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2022-06-15 |
Isin | SE0012676781 |
Coupon, spread | 1.497 |
Maturity | 2024-03-11 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 30 +/- 30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 166 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 30 |
Number of bids | 7 |
Number of accepted bids | 2 |
Average yield, DM | 220 |
Lowest accepted yield, DM | 220 |
Highest yield, DM | 220 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 60.00 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2022-06-15 |
Isin | SE0013883345 |
Coupon, spread | 1.217 |
Maturity | 2025-12-02 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 30 +/- 30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 160 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 30 |
Number of bids | 6 |
Number of accepted bids | 4 |
Average yield, DM | 146 |
Lowest accepted yield, DM | 146 |
Highest yield, DM | 146 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 30.00 |
Auction | Result of auction |
Auction date | 2022-06-15 |
Isin | SE0010921197 |
Coupon, spread | 1.571 |
Maturity | 2023-02-23 |
Tendered volume, SEK mln | 30 +/- 30 |
Offered volume, SEK mln | 122 |
Volume bought, SEK mln | 30 |
Number of bids | 5 |
Number of accepted bids | 2 |
Average yield, DM | 106.667 |
Lowest accepted yield, DM | 96 |
Highest yield, DM | 112 |
Accepted at lowest yield, % | 33.33 |
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Uppdaterad 2022-06-15
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