Auktionsdatum 2020-07-13
Special terms and conditions for weekly extraordinary market operations with a maturity of 3 months
Operation announcement | |
Transaction type | SEK Credit |
Tender date | 13 July 2020 |
Time for submission of bids | 11.00-11.30 (CET/CEST) |
Payment date | 13 July 2020 (at 3 pm) |
Maturity date | 13 October 2020 |
Duration | 92 days |
Offered volume | Unlimited |
Maximum number of bids from each participant |
Lowest accepted volume | SEK 50 million |
Rate |
Repo rate |
Special terms and conditions for weekly extraordinary market operations with a maturity of 6 months
Operation announcement | |
Transaction type | SEK Credit |
Tender date | 13 July 2020 |
Time for submission of bids | 11.00-11.30 (CET/CEST) |
Payment date | 13 July 2020 (at 3 pm) |
Maturity date | 13 January 2021 |
Duration | 184 days |
Offered volume | Unlimited |
Maximum number of bids from each participant |
Lowest accepted volume | SEK 50 million |
Rate |
Repo rate |
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Uppdaterad 2020-07-13
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