Daria Finocchiaro
Avdelningen för penningpolitik
Sveriges Riksbank
SE-103 37 Stockholm, Sweden
Telefon + 46 8 787 04 32
E-post daria.finocchiaro@riksbank.se
Applied macro, monetary economics and macrofinance
Short Bio
Daria Finocchiaro has been working at the Research Division of Sveriges Riksbank since 2007. She received her Ph.D. from the Institute for International Economic Studies in Stockholm in the same year.
Daria's research focuses on Applied Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics.
Personal webpage: sites.google.com/site/finocchiarodaria/home
Ladda ned Daria Finocchiaro´s CV
PhD, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University, 2007
M.Sc., Economics, Bocconi University, 2001
Publications in refereed journals
"The costs of macroprudential deleveraging in a liquidity trap", with Jiaqian Chen, Jesper Lindé and Karl Walentin, Review of Economic Dynamics (forthcoming).
"Optimal Inflation with Corporate Taxation and Financial Constraints", with Giovanni Lombardo, Caterina Mendicino and Philippe Weil, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 95, pages 18-31, May 2018.
"Financial shocks, comovement and credit frictions", with Caterina Mendicino, Economics Letters, vol. 143, pages 20-23, June 2016
"Monetary Regime Change and Business Cycles", with Vasco Cúrdia, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 37, pages 756–773, April 2013.
"Do Central Banks React to House Prices?", with Virginia Queijo von Heideken, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol 45(8), 2013, pages 1659–1683.
"Inattention, wealth inequality and equilibrium asset prices", Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 58(2), pages 146-155, March 2011.
Other Publications
"Financial frictions, financial regulation and their impact on the macroeconomy", with Anna Grodecka, Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review 2018:01.
"Macroeconomic effects of reducing household debt", with Magnus Jonsson, Christian Nilsson and Ingvar Strid, Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review 2016:02
“Household indebtedness, house prices and the macroeconomy: a review of the literature”, with Christian Nilsson, Dan Nyberg and Albina Soultanaeva, The Riksbank´s inquiry into the risks in the Swedish housing market, Chapter II.3, 2011
“Numeracy,Financial Literacy and Household Finance”, with Johan Almenberg, Sveriges Riksbank Economic Commentaries, 2011:03
Berkeley Electronic Journals in Macroeconomics, Canadian Journal of Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Oxford Economic Papers, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Economic Journal
Macroeconomic Theory I (PhD) and Applied Macro (Master) Uppsala University, Monetary Economics (PhD) Stockholm University.