Ettore Savoia

Ettore Savoia


Avdelningen för penningpolitik
Sveriges Riksbank
103 37 Stockholm



Distributional macroeconomics, quantitative methods for macroeconomic models, fiscal and monetary policy.

Short Bio

Ettore is obtaining a Ph.D. in Economics from the Naples School of Economics. During his Doctoral Programme, He spent one year at the Department of Money and Macroeconomics of the Goethe University Frankfurt and one year at the Directorate General Research of the European Central Bank, working for the Research Task Force on Heterogeneity in Macroeconomics.

Ettore’s research seeks to understand the implications of heterogeneity across households and firms for aggregate dynamics and macroeconomic policies.

Personal webpage: Ettore Savoia


Ph.D. in Economics, Naples School of Economics - University of Naples Federico II, 2023 (expected)
M.Sc in Economics and Finance, Naples School of Economics - University of Naples Federico II, 2019

Working Papers

The Effects of Labor Income Risk Heterogeneity on the Marginal Propensity to Consume (Forthcoming as ECB working papers series)

Fiscal Multipliers and Monetary Policy dynamics under income risk: new insights from an EX-ante HANK

Work in Progress

Corporate Debt Maturity and Investment: the Fisher Channel of Inflation, with Caterina Mendicino (ECB), Marcel Peruffo (ECB), and Dominik Supera (Columbia)

Do we need firm data to understand macroeconomic dynamics? with Michele Lenza (ECB)

Inflation Expectations Over the Wealth Distribution, with Michael Ehrmann (ECB)

E-MONK: Energy and Mortgage in a New Keynesian Model, with Roman Sustek (Queen Mary) and Carlos Garriga (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)