Sveriges Riksbank 350 years: a central bank in a world of central banks

Sveriges Riksbank will celebrate its 350 year anniversary in 2018. The Riksbank is therefore planning to pursue a number of plans and projects in recognition of the anniversary, of which one is the undertaking of a book project aiming at presenting the Riksbank's historical development along with those of a selection of important and dominating central banks world-wide. To this end, a large number of authors have been invited to contribute towards the volume, presenting chapters on the central banks of Sweden, England, the United States, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Japan, Italy, Germany, and China. An additional chapter supplies a historical perspective on the overall evolution of central banking. The conference outlined below provides an opportunity to discuss the volume's various chapters at length, and not least, with the help of external discussants.



Thursday April 6th

Opening remarks by Stefan Ingves

Session I

Chair: Tor Jacobson

Chapter 2, "Central Banks: Evolution and Innovation in Historical Perspective"
Michael Bordo and Pierre Siklos
Discussant: Jan-Egbert Sturm

Chapter 3, "Sveriges Riksbank: 350 years in the making"
Klas Fregert
Discussant: Juha Tarkka

Chapter 4, "The Bank of England, 1694-2016"
Charles Goodhart
Discussant: Forrest Capie

Session II

Chair: Daniel Waldenström

Chapter 5, "The Other Way: A Narrative History of the Bank of France"
Marc Flandreau and Vincent Bignon
Discussant: Patrice Baubeau

Chapter 6, "Four Hundred Years of Central Banking in the Netherlands, 1609-2016"
Jan Luiten van Zanden and Gerarda Westerhuis
Discussant: Roland Uittenbogaard

Chapter 7, "Norges Bank 1816-2016 A History of a Small Independent Central Bank"
Øyvind Eitrheim and Jan Tore Klovland
Discussant: Tobias Straumann

Chapter 8, "The Bank of Spain, 1782-2017, a History"
Pablo Martin-Aceña
Discussant: Olivier Feiertag

Friday April 7th

Session III

Chair: Rodney Edvinsson

Chapter 9, “A History of the Bank of Japan, 1882-2016”
Masato Shizume
Discussant: Kris Mitchener

Chapter 10, “The Bank of Italy, a short history, 1893–1998”
Gianni Toniolo
Discussant: Eugene White

Chapter 12, “The Bundesbank”
Jakob de Haan
Discussant: Otmar Issing

Chapter 13, “The People's Bank of China: From 1948 to 2016”
Franklin Allen, Xian Gu, Hua Kuang, and Jun “QJ” Qian
Discussant: Yi Huang


Tor Jacobson

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Uppdaterad 2018-10-11